He won the SACEM prize for the best film score. In 2006, he signed the original score of the musical film Imago which won the Golden Rail at the Cannes film festival | Semaine de la critique. In 1995, he founded his own executive musical production company in order to gain a perfect understanding of the recording business. Confident in this experience, he returned to France in 1994 and was soon to compose a number of original scores for television broadcasts and documentaries before going on to sign scores for French and American feature films. in bioacoustics and architectural acoustic computer simulation. before moving to the Sheffield University in England where he graduated with a Ph.D. In 1986, he developed the very first MIDI digital guitar in Belgium with the RTBF laboratories.

In order to gain a fuller understanding of musical acoustics, he went to study acoustics at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers. But it was to be a further ten years before he discovered his true passion at Claude Bolling's school, writing film scores.

Thierry Malet started to study the piano at the age of 7 at the Conservatoire of Paris with the pianist and concertist Marie-Claire Laroche, where he took courses in harmony and composition.